Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Yesterday, I didn't have class because there were so many new students who were taking placement tests. Luckily, I got my money back.

Instead, I went to Cannes. You know, the Cannes Film Festival. As my host mother said, "C'est la meme que Nice, mais il est plus riche." In other words, it looks a bit more posh than Nice. We walked around and saw famous people's handprints and then went to the beach. I didn't like the beach as much as the beach in Nice because it was sandy. Since it was windy, the sand kept blowing. I prefer my rocks, thank you!

Only a few days left in Nice and I have mixed feelings. I am taking 5 hours of class every day this week, which is more than I was doing before. (They only offer 4 hours, except in June and July). Today, I had a new teacher, whom I think I like better than my other one. Since it was a new class, I got asked if I had a cowboy hat. I said, "Of course, and I ride a horse to school and I have lots of oil." Yes, I do get those questions more than I would like. I am really enjoying the French, and I do understand quite a lot. I am 2/3 done with L'Etranger by Camus, a little side project I adopted last week! Most importantly, I am much more confident in my speaking, which was my real problem to begin with.

Most of my friends left at the end of June, so its a bit lonely. I decided that I should actually be a tourist and go see all the museums this week, so I walked several miles to the top of the hill to see the Chegal and Matisse museums only to find that they are closed on Tuesdays. Arggh! O well, it was a good walk. Everyone here thinks it's really hot. I just laugh at them. They've obviously never been in Houston in August.

I still have to do laundry before I leave.

1 comment:

David said...

So it IS you I see going down Drive A on the Pinto pony! ;)