Wednesday, June 27, 2007

hey everyone!

Sorry it's been so long since I've written, but everything has been crazy (in addition to the inability to keep food down for several days, o joy). I did finally talk to a really nice pharmacist who gave me some magic medicine. The conversation went very well and she was really nice. The French are stereotypically hypochondriacs, and they don't really have over the counter medicine the same way as in the US. You have to actually talk to a pharmacist and tell them what the problem is.

I am about to start my single digit countdown here in Nice. I only have 10 days here before I head to Milan. It makes me rather sad.

As usual, the weather here is gorgeous. No one has air conditioning, because frankly they don't need it.

Last Thursday (June 21) was La FĂȘte de la Musique all over France. It was created in 1981 by someone important in the government (the minister of something that I don't remember) as a celebration of music. Music is played all night long. Basically, I went clubbing in the streets of Nice. The French sure do like their techno music. Since the songs were in English, everyone wanted to know why I didn't recognize them and I had a hard time explaining how techno just isn't as popular in the US! I went to a concert in the port of Nice with a popular DJ named David Vendetta. According to reports, there were 20,000 people there. There were also two explosions and I got to see the French version of a SWAT team. Don't worry Mom, I am safe and sound!!! People were dancing from the street lamps. I saw one-year olds dancing and seventy-year olds with glow sticks. I also saw quite a few drunken teenagers who had passed out, which made me feel rather old. :) In addition, I didn't hear a French song all night - they were all in English. Afterwards, I went to a bar where they had some guys singing everything from the Beatles to Oasis to Bob Marley to songs from Grease. As long as it was popular over 5 years ago, I probably heard it.

All in all, it was very not-American. I am having trouble picturing anyone in the Bush administration declaring a government-sponsored national holiday, resulting in blaring music all night long and a valid reason for mass public drunkeness and general mayhem. I do have to admit that it would have resulted in much more craziness in the States. I thought it was tons of fun, and a great example of the difference in cultures.

1 comment:

Abramo said...

I heart my techno music!!!
You saw David Vendetta? Mowuz, you are having so much fun!