Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

To celebrate (and since I know how much the Europeans love Americans) I brought pastries to class. There are no Americans in my class of 14. Countries represented include Scotland (well... Great Britain), Germany, Syria, Kazakhstan, Spain, Mexico, Poland, Italy, Brazil, and Japan. This is my favorite part about being here. Although I have indeed learned quite a bit of French, most importantly I have learned so much about different cultures and met so many interesting people. It was really hard for me at first because I was in a strange city on a new continent where I didn't speak the language and didn't know anyone and there were no Americans. I was forced to make new friends. Now, I plan to meet people I know in Milan, Amsterdam, Koln, and Lyon when Jessie and I travel (not to mention Alejandro in Paris and Sherry in Prague). Also, Americans have it easy (no wonder we have a reputation for being a bit lazy) because everyone in Europe speaks English. Some of my friends told me that their English improved more than their French because English was the only language they really had in common with their friends at Alliance Française. One of my German friends who came in not knowing French talked to her French host mom in English at first because that was the only language they both spoke!

After class I walked to the Musée Chegal. I enjoyed it. I decided not to go to the Musée Matisse because it is pretty small, and I am going to see quite a few Matisse pieces in Paris, I think.

Interesting fact: there is big Texas Instruments business in the valley right outside of Nice. I have met several people who work for Texas Instruments (no Americans). What a small world!


Ignacio said...

hey Molly, I'm going to start to charge you for using my photos!! You thief!

Thomas said...

Sue her Ignacio !! Plus she did not mention that we spoke French "a lot" together during her stay here.
ça CRAINT! (I hope you'll get this)
Bisous quand même...