Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I had a homestay with a Tunisian family this weekend. It has been a fun couple of days because I am listening to everyone's stories.

Here are a few of the more interesting ones:

1) 2 of my friends ended up not spending the night because the guys kept offering them pot and to take them to clubs for one night stands.

2) Another friend saw a Muslim circumcision of a 5 year old boy. Later that evening, a friend of his family tried to take him to a brothel. The man claimed that he had the night off because his wife was in the hospital having a baby.

3) Funny hammam stories, involving naked scrubbing by an 80 year old woman while the student's host family kept popping in.

Of course, these are the more extreme stories, but everyone seemed to have at least an interesting, if not great, time. As for me, I was pulled around my a 17-year old Tunisian girl and used as an excuse for her and her friends to leave the house to secretly meet boys. More on this tomorrow...

1 comment:

David said...

What, no pictures of any of this?