Friday, July 13, 2007

Our trip is going by sooo fast! I am currently in Köln, Germany, where we are staying with my friend Janina from Alliance Francaise. So sweet! Last night, we walked by the Dom and had an authentic German meal at a restaurant. It was a lot of fun! The weather here was really nice, although Janina says it has been raining for the last two weeks.

Unfortunately, our stay in Köln will be rather short. We were supposed to arrive by about one yesterday. FYI: don't travel on Friday the 13th - it's bad luck. Every train we tried to take yesterday was delayed or cancelled. Oh well... c'est la vie!

Today, we are headed back to France - Tours particularly. Our plans have suddenly seemed to change drastically. Currently, we are planning Tours, Bordeaux, Biarritz, Madrid, then back to Paris. This is kind of funny considering we weren't even planning to go to Spain. Funny how travel plans change!

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