Monday, July 14, 2008

Sad Sad Day

My computer is officially dead. Now, I have to lug a broken piece of electronic equipment across 3 continents in the next 3 weeks. yay.

On the other hand, we went to Tabarka and Dougga this weekend.

Dougga is the site of Roman ruins about 20 km from the Algerian border. It was very very hot. It is much less touristy than Carthage, so I really enjoyed it. An archeologist went with us and explained stuff. Strangest thing: a communal toilet - 12 toilets together...

We also went through a tiny town called Ain Something (Spring something). Many towns in the area are called Spring something because of the natural springs in the area. This particular town was very un-Tunisian looking. It was founded by French Catholics in the 1800's and looks very European. The roofs are even pointed because it actually snows here in the winter (since it's in the mountains).

We spent the night in Tabarka at a beach resort. Yay for buffets of good food provided with the hotel. Nothing new about the experience. Just another excuse for our directors to have a free vacation on the American government. I'm totally ok with this as long as I get to go along. And there was another weird cabaret that all the Italians at the resort seemed to love but which none of us Americans understood...

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