Saturday, June 2, 2007

My First Few Days!

Hey everyone! I'm here!

First of all, I don't want to fly overseas again.
Plane 1 (5 hours into 9.5 hour flight, flight attendent over loudspeaker): "If anyone here is a medical doctor, could you please report to the flight attendants?"
Plane 2 (Paris to Nice): A 70-year old man stumbling down the aisle nearly passes out across my seat. Don't worry, he was ok. We pushed him up and the flight attendant led him to the back of the plane and gave him some sugar water. He was American and had been travelling for as long as I had (nearly 24 hours). I felt like passing out, so someone half a century older certainly has a right to.

I am currently trying to stay awake during the day. Jetlag is certainly a problem. Currently I pass out about 9 in the evening. I'm sure that will soon change.

The lady I'm living with is nice. She keeps trying to feed me. She also said that I look Catholic and that she could tell I was from my demeanor. Who knew?

The waether here is a bit chilly (65 degrees). My host mother says it is colder than normal. My mother (my real one!) says I must be a true child of hers since I am wearing a sweatshirt when there are topless sunbathers. But its cold!

I start classes Monday. This is exciting because I currently don't know anyone here. I have just been wandering about Nice the past few days to get to know the city. It is beautiful and really easy to get around in. Lots of walking!

1 comment:

Jessie Voit said...

Learn lots of French so that we will be able to converse in some countries july 9-24!

Have a wonderful time. I will see you very soon!