Monday, May 28, 2007

So I only have two days left in the country! But... I still have so much left to do. I am currently in the process of semi-moving out of my room, while trying to pack everything I could possibly need for 7 weeks in a backpack. That's why I'm writing this blog: I am, of course, procrastinating.

My month back in Texas has passed pretty fast. Jake graduated. Wow! He's almost 19! And coming to UTD next year - I'm still not sure how I feel about that. It'll be the first time we've been in school together since I was in 5th grade - almost 10 years!
Yay Europe! I better remember French really fast... otherwise, it's going to be a long month...

Friday, May 11, 2007

The End of D.C.

After a semester in Washington, DC (see! I'm arguing before the Supreme Court...hehe), I am currently hanging around in Dallas, waiting for my brother to graduate from high school in Houston. It is certainly strange to have nothing to do compared to my ridiculously busy schedule in DC. But... I leave on May 30 for Nice! Hooray! This is going to be an exciting summer.

- especially now that I actually have a passport.
(FYI: If you are planning to leave the country within the next 6 months, get you passport now. I paid $160 to expedite my passport in March and didn't get it until the beginning of May. There is crazy backup for passports because of the new rules for traveling to Canada and Mexico.)

- I should probably buy a train ticket so that I can get from Paris to Nice on May 31.

- and a backpack... that would be handy.